We hoped you enjoyed our 2024 event “Welcoming Our Neighbors” and we look forward to seeing you in 2025

Since 2011 congregations throughout the State have been invited to open their doors for Sacred Sites Open House so neighbors and tourists can experience first-hand the wonderful art, architecture and history of New York’s religious sites. Visitors can also learn about the crucial social and cultural programming these magnificent religious institutions provide their communities.

The annual Sacred Sites Open House has three objectives:

• To encourage sacred sites to open their doors to the general public. Inviting visitors is a great way to build broad community support for the ongoing preservation of historic institutions.

• To inspire residents to be tourists in their own town, introducing non-members to the history, art and architecture embodied in sacred places. New Yorkers tour religious sites around the world but may overlook those in their own back yard. Developing cultural tourism is key to the future of sacred sites.

• To publicize the many programs and services religious institutions offer their neighbors. The important work these sites provide benefits the entire community – not just the congregation’s members- and helps ensure the congregation’s future.

Check out our Facebook page for photos from previous Open House weekends.
2021 Photo Album
2020 Photo Album
2019 Photo Album
2018 Photo Album
2017 Photo Album
2016 Photo Album
2015 Photo Album
2014 Photo Album
2013 Photo Album
2012 Photo Album
2011 Photo Album

For more information, email sacredsites@nylandmarks.org or call 212.995.5260.