May is officially “Preservation Month.” We haven’t mentioned this much in the past because we think every month is preservation month. But it’s worth mentioning now to reinforce the key role preservation has played in New York’s economy and quality of life. Preservation will also be important in the months ahead as New York recovers. Our world-renowned landmark buildings and historic neighborhoods have passed the test of time. As life approaches some type of normalcy, they will continue to anchor us, and attract residents, visitors, and business. You can’t be in preservation if you aren’t hopeful about the future.
You can help celebrate Preservation Month by forwarding this letter, which the Conservancy signed, to the New York congressional delegation and ask for their support. It outlines a number of issues, including a temporary expansion of the Federal Historic Tax Credit. You can find your Senators and Representative here.
Happy Preservation Month. We hope you enjoy May blossoms—safely of course—and that you and your loved ones stay well. Our landmarks have stood through many spring seasons, and many difficult times. They, and we, will still be standing when this ends.
With best wishes for your health and safety from all of us.