Governor Hochul wants to give the City “authority to encourage densification” by lifting a state cap that limits the bulk and density of residential buildings to 12 FAR (Floor Area Ratio). She linked lifting the cap to the creation of affordable housing.
We need your help to defeat this. Here’s why:
- Much of New York City is dense already.
- There is no evidence that density alone yields affordability.
- The City already has a considerable amount of developable FAR.
- City programs to create affordable units by allowing larger buildings have failed to deliver on that promise.
- Lifting the cap will result in more luxury high rises in already dense areas.
- There has been no public explanation of what lifting the cap would mean for historic districts or neighborhoods across the city. There has been no meaningful opportunity for public input.
- The Governor put lifting the cap into her budget. Albany lawmakers have a deadline next week to tell their leaders what budget items they support and what they oppose. They need to hear from us now.
Please send emails to the Chairs of the Housing Committees:
Assembly Member Steven Cymbrowitz
Senator Brian Kavanagh
Tell them: “Don’t lift the FAR 12 cap. New Yorkers want a say in how our City develops.”