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Campaigning for Preservation

It has been challenging to get mayoral candidates to attend preservation-themed public sessions sponsored by the Conservancy and colleague groups. Kathryn Garcia has been the only one to accept. We don’t endorse candidates, but we want them to understand preservation’s key role in the City. So we’re taking preservation to the people seeking office.

New York City Hall

We’re jointly sponsoring an ad this week in the evening edition of City & State’s political newsletter, a must-read for politicians and candidates at all levels. The ad details the economic benefits of preservation and how it is helping in the City’s recovery. It links to the Conservancy’s economic studies and to a joint petition signed by more than 5000 persons so far demonstrating that preservation matters to voters.

The Conservancy has also commissioned a detailed study of the City’s historic districts that will demonstrate their economic and demographic diversity. It is due early next month and will be useful even after the primaries to inform the new Mayor and City Council Members.     

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