Sacred Sites Open House Events

Explore the history, culture, and beauty of Sacred Sites across New York State in our 11th annual Sacred Sites Open House, “With You in Spirit.” Throughout August 2021, the New York Landmarks Conservancy hosted virtual tours, talks, and forums, on Zoom.

From Landmarks to Neighborhood Gems – New York City Virtual Tour

The past year has proved a challenge for New Yorkers; beloved sites and spaces across the city have either closed their doors for the foreseeable future or shut down completely. Resolute throughout the pandemic are the houses of worship that function as bedrocks for their surrounding communities. This virtual tour, From Landmarks to Neighborhood Gems, will highlight exemplary houses of worship from across the five boroughs, ranging from past winners of the Lucy G. Moses Preservation Awards to historically significant local cornerstones.

EverGreene Architectural Arts Presentation – Restoring Sacred Art & Reading Sacred Architecture

Join Executive Chairman and Founder, Jeff Greene and Director of the Sacred Space Studio, Emily Sottile, who will be “with you in spirit” virtually to discuss how sacred art and architecture can be a connection to those we are separated from by time and space. The session will include a case study of the restoration of architectural artwork at Eldridge Street Synagogue and a discussion on reading sacred architecture, featuring a variety of EverGreene’s preserved sacred spaces in New York.

Faith in Empire State: Houses of Worship Across New York – Virtual Tour

New York State is the sum of its parts, and houses of worship funded and designed by residents of towns and cities from Long Island to the Great Lakes, announced the status of such communities to the nation and world. This virtual tour, Faith in Empire State, will explore the contemporary use of such sacred sites as well as their historical significance.

Stained Glass Conservation at Woodlawn Cemetery Mausoleums

Join us for a virtual lecture highlighting the ongoing stained-glass conservation project at Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx. Members of Woodlawn Conservancy, Liberty Stained Glass Conservation, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art will present the project featuring some of Woodlawn’s treasures and answer questions.

Other recordings
These pre-recorded video tours have generously been shared by our Community Partners:

Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy: The Rich Jewish History of the Upper East Side, hosted by Barry Judelman

Explore Buffalo Sacred Spaces Series – First Presbyterian Church, presented by Brad Hahn (Requires passcode: ExploreBuffalo21!)

For More Information
To receive invitations to future events and updates about Sacred Sites Open House, email