Yes! You Can Install Solar Panels on Landmarked Buildings.
The Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) is working to simplify the permitting process.

Key Points to Remember
LPC Approval:
- Required for solar panels on individual landmarks and buildings in historic districts.
- LPC reviews factors like visibility, materials, color, and finish.
- See the Installing Solar Panels Fact Sheet for details.
Local Law 97: LL97 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction
- Buildings over 25,000 square feet must cut emissions by 2050, regardless of landmark status.
- Solar panels can help avoid costly fines and reduce energy costs.
- There are also monetary building electrification incentives.
Installation Considerations:
- Installations should be reversible and not damage any historic fabric or architectural features.
- Assess potential shadows from surrounding structures.
- Ensure space for existing equipment, egress paths, and firefighter access.
Professional Guidance:
- Work with qualified professionals like architects, MEP engineers, and experienced solar installers.
- NYSERDA provides a list of trusted experts.
Financial Incentives:
- Multiple incentives are available at the local, state, and federal levels. See the links below.
Taking these steps can help historic property owners meet energy goals while preserving architectural integrity.
If you have questions about issues with your building, call our Preservation “Hotline” at 212-995-5260, Ext. 305 or email us at
New York City
Solar Electric Generating System (SEGS) Tax Abatement:
Net Metering:
Local Law 97 Beneficial Electrification Credit:
NYCEEC Building Energy Efficiency and Electrification Loans:
New York State
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) NY-Sun incentives:
Solar Energy System Equipment Tax Credit:
Historic Homeownership Rehabilitation Tax Credit:
Other Resources:
NYC Accelerator, Solar:
NYC Department of Buildings, Solar:
NYC Mayor’s Office of Climate & Environmental Justice, Solar and Storage:
Sustainable CUNY, Solar:
Solar One: