The Conservancy is assisting the Hebrew Actors’ Foundation with a leak at their East Village landmark. The Hebrew Actors’ Foundation owns a former row house at 31 East 7th Street in the East Village Historic District. The building was redesigned for the Hebrew Actors’ Union in the 1920s and now has a neoclassical façade. It is currently vacant, but was previously used as a theater, meeting place, archive, and artists’ studios.
The Foundation intends to rehabilitate the building and use it as a Yiddish cultural center and museum. The building has had various issues with water infiltration, but a new leak has started. The Conservancy provided a $1,200 Emergency Preservation Grant to pay the fees of an assessment by a roofing consultant. That assessment has been completed and we are getting estimates from a roofing contractor as to the pricing of recommended repairs to see how else the Conservancy can assist.