Technical Tips – Installing Solar Panels on Historic Buildings
Preservation ServicesYes! You Can Install Solar Panels on Landmarked Buildings. The Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) is working to simplify the permitting…
Technical Tips – Annual Parapet Inspection
Preservation ServicesAs of January 1, 2024, every building owner in New York City must have an annual inspection of their building’s…
Technical Tips – Icy Stoops and Sidewalks
Preservation ServicesIcy stoops and sidewalks are part of the winter experience here in New York. Our Preservation Services staff are often…
Our Year in Historic Preservation
AdvocacyEmergency Preservation Grants
Historic Properties Fund
Nonprofit Technical Assistance Grant Program
Preservation Services
Sacred Sites
To Our Members: Thank You for Your Support! We want to extend our heartfelt thanks for standing by us in…
Our Heartfelt Thanks
AdvocacyEmergency Preservation Grants
Preservation Services
As we head into the holiday season, I want to extend our heartfelt thanks for standing by us and the…
Schapiro Fund Grant Will Support Conservancy Projects
Historic Properties FundPreservation Services
The Conservancy is pleased to announce a three-year grant of $105,000 from the Morris and Alma Schapiro Fund to support…
Promoting Black History & Cultural Institutions Citywide
AdvocacyNonprofit Technical Assistance Grant Program
Preservation Services
The Conservancy helped facilitate the fifth convening of New York City Black Institutions in early September. The Noble Maritime Collection…
Letting the Light in at Olmsted-Beil House
Preservation ServicesFrederick Law Olmsted lived in this Staten Island farmhouse when he was experimenting with the ideas that he would eventually…
Watch our “I am Preservation” Video Series
50th AnniversaryAdvocacy
Emergency Preservation Grants
Historic Properties Fund
Nonprofit Technical Assistance Grant Program
Preservation Services
Sacred Sites
In honor of our 50th anniversary, we highlighted preservation’s popularity by sharing a video series called “I am Preservation.” People…
Celebrating 50 Years – Explore our Online Exhibition
50th AnniversaryAdvocacy
Emergency Preservation Grants
Historic Properties Fund
Nonprofit Technical Assistance Grant Program
Preservation Services
Queens Historic Properties Fund
Sacred Sites
As part of our 50th-anniversary celebration, we’ve launched an online exhibition exploring fifty of our most iconic and memorable successes…