2020—here we come! We’re as dedicated to our work today as we have been for the past 47 years. And we’re determined to build on 2019’s achievements. Our loans and grants last year topped $1.15 million. Our advocacy efforts helped stop destructive plans to tear down the Brooklyn Heights Promenade. And our campaign to stabilize Frederick Law Olmsted’s home on Staten Island raised $93,000, allowing priority work to begin.
Some specifics: Sacred Sites Grants totaling $595,500 went to 45 churches and synagogues throughout New York. Historic Property Fund loans of $492,722 helped 14 homeowners in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. Emergency Grants totaling $91,460 protected the 19th-century wooden homes at the Weeksville Heritage Center in Brooklyn and several other historic, non-profit buildings.
Our advocacy was just as busy. We worked with colleagues to close zoning loopholes that allow out-of-scale buildings and helped pass charter revisions giving communities a better chance to influence proposed developments.
We are very grateful for your belief in our mission. Thank you for supporting our efforts to preserve the City we love.