About Membership

We’re proud of our success in preserving and protecting New York’s extraordinary historic buildings and neighborhoods. But we could not do this without the generous support of donors who care about New York as much as we do.

Your tax-deductible gift is very important to us.  We depend on private contributions for almost 75 percent of our annual operating budget. Your participation also helps demonstrate support for our work to corporate and foundation funders.

Associate $50
-Mailings of the Conservancy’s E-Newsletter
-Participation in the Mystery Landmark photo contest
-Tourist In Your Own Town video series

Advocate $100
All of the above, plus:
-Listing in the Conservancy’s Annual Report
-Special Preservation Alert emails on timely public policy issues

Young Landmarks (40 and under) $200
All of the above, plus:
-Invitations to lectures, receptions, and behind-the-scenes tours of distinctive historic buildings
-Reduced priced ticket to the Living Landmarks Celebration and Chairman’s Award Lunch

Sponsor $250
All of the above, plus:
-Invitations to lectures, receptions, and behind-the-scenes tours of distinctive historic buildings

Patron $500
All of the above, plus:
-Two complimentary tickets to the annual Lucy G. Moses Preservation Awards ceremony

Landmark Circle $1,000
All of the above, plus:
-Invitations to the Living Landmarks Celebration and Chairman’s Award luncheon
-A set of the Conservancy’s Guide Books.

*Note: Email address required to receive full benefits of membership

This four out of four star rating by Charity Navigator indicates that we adhere to good governance and other best practices. Their rating system provides a comprehensive analysis of charity performance across four key domains: Impact & Measurement, Accountability & Finance, Leadership & Adaptability, and finally Culture & Community. 

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