Six mayoral candidates participated in a 90-minute preservation forum, offering insights into their backgrounds, priorities, and positions to over 800 attendees.
Candidates fielded questions on preservation, neighborhood character, and balancing new construction with adaptive reuse.
We appreciate the candidates, sponsors, and attendees for demonstrating that New Yorkers care deeply about preservation.
The Landmarks Conservancy and major colleague groups, plus dozens of civic, cultural, and neighborhood organizations, sponsored the event. Conservancy President Peg Breen moderated the forum. Village Preservation Executive Director Andrew Berman hosted the Zoom and provided the introduction.
Watch the video and learn more about the candidates’ positions on important preservation issues.
Date: Monday, March 24
Candidates who attended
Former Assembly Member, Michael Blake
Author, Corinne Fisher
City Comptroller, Brad Lander
State Senator, Jessica Ramos
Former City Comptroller, Scott Stringer
Former Federal Prosecutor, Jim Walden
All declared candidates who have raised funds were invited to attend.
The New York Landmarks Conservancy
Village Preservation
The Preservation League of NY
The Municipal Art Society of New York
Historic Districts Council
City Club of New York
Save Harlem Now!
Friends of the Upper East Side
Landmark West!
Carnegie Hill Neighbors
West End Preservation Society
Morningside Heights Historic District Committee
Crown Heights North Association
East Village Community Coalition
East Bronx History Forum
Landmark East Harlem
Save Chelsea
Ascendant Neighborhood Development Corporation
Save Gansevoort
Lower East Side Preservation Initiative
Save America’s Clocks
Women of Woodlawn
Little Caribbean NYC
Victorian Society New York
Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council
Congress for New Urbanism
Brooklyn Heights Association
A. Philip Randolph Neighborhood Development Corporation
Bowery Alliance of Neighbors
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